Michał Bogdziewicz
I am interested in forest ecology, with
a special focus on the ecology of seed production and forest regeneration.
The main research goal is to bring back
the ecology of seed production to the front pages. I defended my Ph.D. in 2017, after which I was post-docking in USA, Spain, and France. I am PI in several Polish National Science Centre (NCN) grants and ERC StG grant. My work on the ecology of seed production was awarded
the Tansley Medal, NCN Award, and City
of Poznań Science Award.
See more here:

Jakub Szymkowiak
I defended my Ph.D. in ecology in 2016
and since then I’ve been working as
an assistant professor at the Faculty
of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University
in Poznań. I am behavioral and forest ecologist, broadly interested in causes
and ecological consequences of mast seeding in trees and the ecology
of information – the study of how organisms produce, acquire and use information to manage their lives.
See more here: www.jakubszymkowiak.wordpress.com

Maciej Barczyk
I am a nature enthusiast, interested in forest ecology, plant diversity, and species interactions. In 2024, I defended my PhD dissertation on plant regeneration processes in tropical montane forests in Ecuador. I joined the FBC as a post-doc researcher to investigate trade-offs between seed production and plant growth, and help with the fieldwork.

Jessie Foest
For me, time spent among trees is time well spent. My academic interests span plant reproduction, plant migration, and forest ecology. In 2024, I completed my PhD, where I investigated the causes and extent of year-to-year variation in seed production (masting) among tree populations of the same species. This research drew from MASTREE+, an open-access database I helped build to improve our understanding of masting. Here, I study how climate change is shaping tree reproduction—because today’s seeds are tomorrow’s forests.

Urszula Eichert
I am a technician at AMU since 2017. First in Systematic Zoology Department
and since 2023 in Forest Biology Center.
Recently, I defended my Ph.D. thesis about scent communication in common hamster and its impact on intraspecific aggression in this species. Additionally I am a supervisor of common hamster’s breeding center in Poznan’s Zoo created for the Program of the Common Hamster Protection in Jaworzno. In my free time I enjoy ceramics, archery and growing insectivorous plants.

Patrycja Jerzyńska
I am a master’s student in biology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. I am interested in forest and meadow ecology. Since 2021, I have been actively involved in research on Babia Góra. In addition to my scientific work, I am passionate about horseback riding and natural methods of working with horses.
Former Lab Members
- Valentin Journé (2022-2024);
Marie-Cure/Polonez NCN Fellow;
currently at Kyushu University, Japan