In our new paper, just published in Journal of Applied Ecology, we suggest intensifying livestock predation on prematurely dropped-infested acorns by allowing livestock foraging from October 1st onward. Pigs are usually released free range in early November, once weevil larvae have completed their development and escaped predation. The proposed management would increase the availability ofContinue reading „J Applied Ecology: Livestock as biological paste control in oak savannas”
Author Archives: Forest Biology Center
ForEcoMan: Time for efficient seed sampling
Seed production varies widely over time (masting), with many cascading effects on the ecosystem. This makes long-term monitoring essential for forest management and conservation. Traditional methods, such as seed traps and quadrat sampling, are labour-intensive, resource-demanding, and prone to issues like trap destruction or limited canopy visibility. Our latest study demonstrates that the ground-based timedContinue reading „ForEcoMan: Time for efficient seed sampling”
PNAS: masting breakdown leads to growth decline in European beech
Our latest study, published in PNAS, reveals an indirect impact of climate change on European beech (Fagus sylvatica). Over a 43-year period, rising summer temperatures have increased the frequency of masting, leading to greater reproductive investment at the cost of tree growth. Despite no significant change in summer drought, annual growth rates have declined by 28%Continue reading „PNAS: masting breakdown leads to growth decline in European beech”
Annals of Botany: Masting Ontogeny
Our recent study examined how tree size affects the reproductive benefits of masting—a phenomenon where trees synchronize seed production across years, alternating between low and high yield periods. Using data from a 43-year monitoring of European beech (Fagus sylvatica), we found that larger trees benefit most from masting through significantly enhanced pollination efficiency and reducedContinue reading „Annals of Botany: Masting Ontogeny”
Ecology Letters: Trees do not wait so long before being reproductive
The fundamental trade-off between current and future reproduction has long been seen as a factor influencing the tendency of species that can reach large sizes to begin reproduction at larger sizes. However, estimates of the size at which trees mature remain scarce due to the extended time required to reach maturity. Because of that longContinue reading „Ecology Letters: Trees do not wait so long before being reproductive”
Ecology Letters: masting and reproductive efficiency
Our recent study focusing on rowan trees (Sorbus aucuparia) sheds light on how these trees optimize their reproductive efficiency through synchronized and variable seed production. Mast seeding is a strategy where trees forego reproduction in some years to produce a bumper crop of seeds in others, often in sync with neighboring trees. This boom-and-bust cycleContinue reading „Ecology Letters: masting and reproductive efficiency „
Forest Ecology and Management: community-wide masting enhances predator satiation
Mast seeding, or masting, is a fascinating reproductive strategy observed in many perennial plants, where individuals within a population produce seeds in highly variable quantities from year to year. This synchronized fluctuation in seed production among plants has long intrigued ecologists, primarily because it offers a significant survival advantage: it helps reduce the impact ofContinue reading „Forest Ecology and Management: community-wide masting enhances predator satiation”
Ecology Letters: synchrony of mast peaks and troughs
Ever wondered why some years your favorite forest is overflowing with beech nuts, and other years it’s almost barren? This feast-or-famine cycle, known as masting, is not just random. Our recent research reveals a fascinating pattern: European beech trees are synchronizing their seed production across vast distances, but intriguingly, they do so differently for bumperContinue reading „Ecology Letters: synchrony of mast peaks and troughs”
TREE: general model of masting
Our recent paper on mast seeding in perennial plants presents a model that integrates proximate factors (environmental variation, weather cues, resource budgets) with ultimate drivers (predator satiation, pollination efficiency). This model illustrates how the relationships between mast seeding and weather influence species’ responses to climate warming, ranging from no change to reduced interannual variation or reproductive failure.Continue reading „TREE: general model of masting”
Animal Cognition: świstunki, informacja o zagrożeniu i rock ‘n’ roll
W czasopiśmie Animal Cognition ukazała się publikacja, w której wykazaliśmy, że ptaki uczą się rozpoznawać nowe, wcześniej nieznane im dźwięki (fragmenty punkrockowych piosenek) jako sygnały akustyczne świadczące o zagrożeniu na drodze uczenia socjalnego, jeśli pojawieniu się w środowisku nowego dźwięku towarzyszy reakcja alarmowa innych osobników. Ponadto wykazaliśmy, że nabyta na drodze przekazu socjalnego zdolność rozpoznawania nowychContinue reading „Animal Cognition: świstunki, informacja o zagrożeniu i rock ‘n’ roll”